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Manthos: “the dog who has the most humans”!

This sweet doggie is Manthos. Although he’s only 6 months old, he has discovered early enough the difficulties of life and the pain that can be caused by humans.

Manthos was found in Megara, in the fields, he was probably hit by a car. He was standing there alone, waiting for the magic hands to pick him up. And these hands were found and saved him! His luck changed since then, when this person contacted us and made sure that he will have the best care possible.

After we took the dog, he was transferred immediately in a clinic but the diagnosis was not accurate, since the vets informed us that he had this problem since birth. But we didn’t stop there, so we moved the dog to an orthopedic clinic, where we were informed that the dog has two broken spine bones and he could probably walk again. On the 20th of May Manthos was operated and we really hope he will make it.

The surgery and after surgery cost is very high but this didn’t stop us from helping him, so we decided that although it’s a big risk, we will do the operation and ask for people’s help.
Right after the surgery he will be moved in a pension where he will have the best care possible and after some time he will get hydrotherapy so as to be sure that he will be best treated.
The cost for the surgery is 2000 euro and the cost of the pension is 600 euro per month, for as long as he will be needing hydrotherapy. Afterwards he will be moved to another pension until he finds a loving family to adopt him.

The thousands of ticks and fleas have already been removed from his body and now after only a few days, the wounds have started to heal. He had wounds all over his back because he couldn’t walk. Now he feels better and he tries to pee only when we take him out for a walk. Afterwards he sits on the grass and enjoys the sun.

We feel that Manthos is one of our own pets and he must have the best care. We do hope that you will feel the same about him and help him. Then, Manthos will be “the dog who has the most humans” and then he will be happy enough to forget about his awful past experiences.

If you can help Manthos, please contact us at (subject Manthos), or call Marina at 00306942479057 and Nandia at 00306976049859 from 12.00 to 15.00


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